Sesame Street is a children’s educational television series combining live-action, Sketch Comedy, Animation, and Puppetry. It allows you to watch hundreds of video clips like Elmo, Cookie Monster, Abby Cadabby, and furry friends. It was produced by Sesame Workshop, which is a non-profit educational organization. This was created by Joan Ganz Cooney and Lloyd Morritt. Sesame Street is one of the best channels for your Kids. It is the benchmark for children’s educational programming. It revolutionized children’s programming and created a model. Sesame Street is officially available at the Channel Store. In addition, you can add Sesame Street directly to your Roku.
How to Add Sesame Street on Roku?
As mentioned earlier, Sesame Street is available on the Roku Channel Store. Therefore, you can directly download the app and start streaming.
1. Connect your Roku device to the HDMI port and turn it on.
2. Go to the Home page by pressing the Home button on your Roku remote.
3. Navigate to the Streaming Channels option from the main menu.
4. Click on the Search Channels option to find the Sesame Street app.
5. Type Sesame Street using the on-screen keyboard and choose the app from the search results.
6. Click on the Add channel option to install the app.
7. Once the app is installed, click on the Go to Channel option to launch the app.
8. Start streaming your favorite video on the Sesame Street channel.
Alternate Method to Watch Sesame Street on HBO Max
Follow the same above steps to add HBO Max on Roku. First, you can stream Sesame Street on HBO Max. Then, you can select your favorite video and start streaming on your Roku device. The HBO Max costs $9.99 per month. HBO Max streams 10000 hours of premium content, including HBO and more movies and shows. First, you have to activate your HBO Max to stream the content on Roku.
How to Activate HBO Max on Roku?
1. Launch HBO Max on your Roku device.
2. Visit on any browser on your computer.
3. Note the activation code that appears on your Roku screen.
4. Enter the activation code and click Continue.
5. Your HBO Max will be successfully activated, and you can start streaming Sesame Street on Roku.
What are the best Characters of Sesame Street?
- Big Bird
- Elmo
- Cookie Monster
- Zoe
- Oscar the Crouch
- Grover and more.
These are the methods of watching Sesame Street on Roku. The shows on Sesame Street were produced for 3-5 years old children. Sesame gives an educational boost to the children. According to the study, children who watched Sesame Street are at the appropriate grade level for their age in the last years. It helps your child to develop early literacy skills. If you have any queries, you can comment below. Enjoy streaming Sesame Street on Roku by watching your favorite video.